• La Merced Market and Food in Mexico City CDMX.
  • La Merced Market and Food in Mexico City CDMX.
  • La Merced Market and Food in Mexico City CDMX.
  • La Merced Market and Food in Mexico City CDMX.
1 of 4Active Image : La Merced Market and Food in Mexico City CDMX.

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    Tyler Henry

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    Chaotic Mexico at its best! Merced is the largest traditional retail market in the city and one of the oldest. It's been going since the 18th century. It's located in the eastern part of centro. Let me just say, it is not in any way safe. The market is also a giant labyrinth that’s easy to get lost in. I would not recommend going here without someone who knows the market, and I would also lay off your cell phone anywhere near or within the market. That being said, it's magical, mind-blowing and endlessly inspiring! There is an extraordinary selection of good street foods within the market. I think it's best at 9am in the morning.