New Delhi with Musican, KAVYA

Travel Guide to New Delhi with KAVYA

New Delhi with Musican, KAVYA

KAVYA (Kavya Trehan) is a 26 year old singer songwriter from New Delhi, India who’s been performing since the age of 14.

Over the course of time, she’s collaborated with some of the leading producers in India and toured with her band, MOSKO.

Her solo project is a celebration of raw emotion and her roots, where all songs have been developed from guitar parts and trusty voice-notes. In order to constantly evolve as an artist, in 2016 she started writing music using Ableton.

Since then, she is on a relentless spree of releasing her own material that has more of a R&B, electronic and indie-pop feel.

Sunder Nursery

“A heritage park where Earth Collective hosts a Sunday Farmer’s Market. It is a great place to get organic home produce, early morning walks and delicious brunch thereafter.”

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Dharampura Haveli

“A time traveling experience that goes back to the Mughal Empire’s architectural grandeur of 1887 AD. It is located at the centre of the capital itself. It’s a must see as it leads to one of my favourite spots that personifies systematic chaos - Chandni Chowk.”

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The Dhan Mill

“What used to be an old facility for storing grain is now at the heart of where art, cafes, editorial publishing houses and fashion meet. With places like, Space 10, Cafe Dori and Common Room, it’s a must-see spot.”

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National Crafts Museum

“A place for any textile lover. I seek great pride in the craftsmanship of India and spend heaps of time trying to learn new skills when they host open workshops. For a humble break in the middle, one can always walk to CAFE LOTA for a quick chai break.”

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Auro Bar & Kitchen

“An event space that’s hosted many homegrown and international acts over the years.”

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Quick Brown Fox

“Pet-friendly cafe that has its own special menu as well so that your pet is busy enjoying the meal instead of making you feel guilty about yours. P.S. Best Avocado toasts!”

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SoFar Sounds Delhi

“A traveling and invite based property hosting intimate gigs in interesting locations - from homes, terraces to open boutiques. As an artist playing a session is as rewarding as being a part of one as the audience.”

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India Gate

“A war memorial sandstone arch that pays respect to the war veterans also has heaps of stalls for balloons, street chat and toys. Every kid of New Delhi has taken a night-drive to India Gate to enjoy an ice-cream with their families. A tradition that still goes on.”

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