Tenganan Pegeringsinan Village

  • Tenganan Pegeringsinan Village, Bali. Bali's Spiritual and Wellness Side with Nindy and Kinez, Culture, Community, Religion, Trippin
  • Tenganan Pegeringsinan Village, Bali. Bali's Spiritual and Wellness Side with Nindy and Kinez, Culture, Community, Religion, Trippin
  • Tenganan Pegeringsinan Village, Bali. Bali's Spiritual and Wellness Side with Nindy and Kinez, Culture, Community, Religion, Trippin
1 of 3Active Image : Tenganan Pegeringsinan Village, Bali. Bali's Spiritual and Wellness Side with Nindy and Kinez, Culture, Community, Religion, Trippin
Tenganan Pegeringsinan Village, Bali.

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    Tenganan Pegeringsinan Village is one of Bali’s earliest villages known for their ‘evil warding’ geringsing textiles and Perang Pandan, an annual ceremony held at the end of June that showcases fighters striking each other with Pandan leaves.