Wiki’s Hit List: The Best Places to Eat in NYC

Wiki shares some of his top places to grab some food in NYC

Wiki’s Hit List: The Best Places to Eat in NYC

Wiki on Trippin

Wiki is a unique member of the New York Hip-Hop scene. Since his breakthrough ten years ago with Wikispeaks, the lyricist and rapper has built a reputation for producing tracks with raw emotion and a hard lyrical flow, meticulously balancing aggression and vulnerability. Growing up in the NYC melting pot, he moved between Brooklyn, Chinatown and the Upper West Side - his work reflects true love for his city and all its cultural nuances.

Check out his favourite local places to grab a bite to eat.

Cheeky Sandwiches

“Chicken spot. Local. Fire food. Everyone just be skating and kickin' it outside there.”

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Joe's Pizza

“Couple of locations. It’s reliable and a good slice.”

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North Dumplings

“Been going there since I was a kid, it’s still there which is good to see.”

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